Minstrels of Earlville Tune List
The dates, composers, and histories of all these tunes will be documented soon.
We try to do the verses as well as the choruses on most of them.

A Canvas Dress
Ace In The Hole
After You’ve Gone (1918) Turner Layton & Henry Creamer
A Hundred Years From Today (1933) Victor Young
Alabamy Bound (1925) DeSylva, Green & Henderson
Alcoholic Blues (1919) Albert VonTolzer
An Old Rag I Know ??
April Showers (1921) Bud DeSylva
At The Christmas Ball (1925) Fred Longshaw
At The Storybook Ball (1917) Billie Montgomery & George Perry
Barney Google (1923) Con Conrad & Billy Rose
Bedelia (1903) Jean Schwartz. 3 years later he wrote Chinatown.
Black And White Rag (1911) George Botsford
Birth Of The Blues (1926) Henderson, DeSylva & Brown
Blue Skies (1927) Irving Berlin
Borneo (1928) Walter Donaldson
Button Up Your Overcoat (1928) DeSylva, Brown & Henderson
Bye Bye Blackbird (1926) Mort Dixon & Ray Henderson
California, Here I Come (1924) Al Jolson, Bud DeSylva & Joseph Meyer
Cherokee Maiden
Chicken Ain’t Nothin’ But A Bird
Chinatown (1906) Jean Schwartz
Coney Island Washboard (1926) Hampton Durand
Crab Apples (1908) Percy Wenrich
Crazy Words, Crazy Tune (1927) Milt Ager & Jack Yellen
Cubanola Glide (1909) Harry Von Tilzer & Vincent Bryan
Devil With The Devil, The (1939) Larry Clinton. 1939 movie: A Song Is Born.
Deep Ellum Blues (1936) ? Attlesey ?
Doctor Jazz (1927 King Oliver
Down In Bom Bom Bay (1915) Harry Carroll & Ballard McDonald
Down In Jungle Town (1908) Ted Morse & Ed Madden
Down Where The Sun Goes Down (1928) Isham Jones & Verne Buck
Drivin’ So Much Fun (2002) Bill Parthe
Dusky Stevedore (J. C. Johnson & Andy Razaf
Everything Is Hotsy Totsy Now (Jimmy McHugh & Irving Mills
Everywhere You Go (1927) Larry Shay & Joe Goodwin
Fire! (An Alarming Novelty Fox Trot) (1926) Byron Gay & Richard Whiting
Four Or Five Times (1927) Byron Gay & Marco Hellman. Theme of Jimmy Noone’s Apex Club Orchestra.
Gee Baby Ain’t I Good To You (1929) Don Redman & Andy Razaf
Go Back Where You Stayed Last Night (1926) Ethel Waters
Gonna Get A Girl (1927) Howard Simon, Paul Ash & Al Lewis
Got Everything But You (1928) Jack Palmer & Andy Razaf
Hard Hearted Hannah (1924) Milt Ager & Jack Yellen
Heaven Will Protect The Working Girl (A Burlesque Ballad) (1909) A. Baldwin Sloane & Edgar Smith.
Also known as Tillie’s Nightmare
Hey, Good Lookin’ (1939) Mattie Malneck
Here Comes The Hot Tamale Man (1925) Fred Rose
Hookers’ Ball
Home In Pasadena (1923) Harry Warren
Hula Lou (1924) Jack Yellen & Milton Charles
I Don’t Want To (1913) A. Seymour Brown
I Guess I’ll Get The Papers And Go Home (1946) Hughie Prince
I Like Bananas Because They Have No Bones (1936) Chris Yachic
I Lost My Gal From Memphis (1930) Pete DeRose & Charlie Tobias
I’m A Ding Dong Daddy (1928) Phil Baxter. Phil Harris favorite.
I’m Looking Over A 4 Leaf Clover (1929) Harry Woods & Mort Dixon
In Person (1928) Jack Yellen & Milt Ager
It’s Movin’ Day (19??) Harry Von Tilzer
It Takes A Long Tall Brownskin Gal (1917) Will Skidmore & Marshall Walker
I’ve Got Rings On My Fingers (1909) Maurice Scott
I Wish I Had A Girl (1908) Grace LeBoy & Gus Kahn
I Wonder Where My Baby Is Tonight (1925) Walter Donaldson & Gus Kahn
I Wonder Where My Easy Rider’s Gone (1913) Shelton Brooks
Japanese Sandman (1920) Michael Whiting& Ray Egan
June Night (1924) Cliff Friend & Abel Baer
Kansas City Kitty (1929) Walter Donaldson & Edgar Leslie
Keepin’ Out Of Mischief Now (1932) Fats Waller
Kewpie Doll
King Chanticleer (1910) Nat Ayer & Seymour Brown
Lady Want Your Ashes Hauled Today
Let A Smile Be Your Umbrella (1927) Sammy Fain, Irving Kahal & Frances Wheeler
Limehouse Blues (1922) Philip Braham & Douglas Furber
Livin’ High (1925) Maceo Pinkard
Linger Awhile (1923) Vincent Rose
Love Nest, The (1920) Louis Hirsch & Otto Harbach
Love Songs Of The Nile (1933) Nacio Herb Brown
Lydia (1939) Harold Arlen & Yip Harburg
Makin’ Whoopee (1928) Walter Donaldson & Gus Kahn
Mama’s Gone Goodbye (1924) A. J. Piron & Peter Bocage
Marie (1928) Irving Berlin
Masculine Women and Feminine Men
Meet Me Tonight In Dreamland (1909) Leo Friedman & Beth Whitson
Melancholy (1927) Marty Bloom & Walter Melrose
Memories of You (1930) Eubie Blake & Andy Razaf
Messin’ Around (1926) John St. Cyr & Charles L. Cooke
Monkey Glands (1924) Marsh & Spencer Adair
My Honey’s Lovin’ Arms (1922) J. Meyer & H. Rudy
Nagasaki (1928) Harry Warren & Mort Dixon
Never Swat A Fly (1930) DeSylve, Brown & Henderson
Oh, By Jingo (1919) Albert VonTilzer
Old Bones (??) John Hadley
Old Fashioned Love (1923) James P. Johnson & Cecil Mack
Once Or Twice (1929) Junie Cobb and his Grains of Corn
One Beer (??) Chuck Murphy?
Orange Barrel Polka (1999) Jim Martin
Oriental Man (1925) John St. Cyr
Parakeets ???
Pink Elephants (1932) Harry Woods & Mort Dixon
Play Me A Frigid Air (1924) Lou Herscher & Murray Clark
Postman’s Lament (1977?) Johnny Wiggs
Radio (1969) Bob Marcus
Rebecca (1936) Bert Kalmar & Harry Ruby
Red Eye (1958) Turk Murphy & Eca Spring
Red Hot Mama (1924) Gilbert Wells, Bud Cooper & Fred Rose
Red Rose Rag (1909) Percy Wenrich
Rhythm King (1928) J. Russel Robinson & Joe Trent
Right Key But The Wrong Keyhole (1935) Clarence Williams & Eddie Green
Roll The Patrol
Roses of Picardy (1926) Haydn Wood & Fred Weatherly
Rose Of Washington Square (1919) James Hanley
Rugged But Right (1945) Bonnie Windsor & Tom Glazer
Russian Lullaby (1927) Irving Berlin
Sadie Green (1924) Gilbert Wells & Johnny Dunn
Sailin’ Down The Chesapeake Bay (1913) George Botsford
Sunday (1926) Ned Miller & Chester Cohn
Sally Was A Good Old Girl (1962) Harlan Howard
Saloon (1921) Roland Llab & George Whiting
San (1920) Lindsay McPhail & Walter Michels
Santa Claus Blues (1924) Charlie Straight & Gus Kahn
Sentimental Gentleman From Georgia (1932) Frank Perkins & Mitchell Parish
Silver Dollar (1950) Clark Van Ness & Jack Palmer
Sister Kate (1919) A. J. Piron
She Was Just A Sailor’s Sweetheart (1925) Joe Burke
Smile, Darn Ya, Smile (1932) Charles O’Flunn & Jack Meskill
Sorry (1927) Howdy Quicksell
Stumbling (1922) Zez Confrey
Suez (1922) Ferde Grofe
Sultan’s Harem (1909) Abner Silver & Alex Gerber
Swimmin’ With Women (I Love To Go) (1921) Sigmund Romberg & Ballard McDonald
Sundown Mama 1977) K. O. Eckland
Sunshine Makes The World Go Around (2000) Bill Parthe
Sweet Indiana Home (1922) Walter Donaldson
Swing That Music (1938) Horace Gerlach & Louie Armstrong
‘Tain’t No Sin To Take Off Your Skin (1929) Walter Donaldson
‘Tain’t So, Honey ‘Tain’t So (1928) Willard Robison
Take Your Tomorrow (1928) J. C. Johnson & Andy Razaf
That’s All There Is (1925) Harry Woods
That Certain Party (925) Walter Donaldson
That’s My Weakness Now (1928) Bud Green & Sam Stept
That’s You Baby (1929) Con Conrad, Sidney Mitchell * Archie Gottler
There’s A Rainbow ‘Round My Shoulder (1928) Dave Dreyer, Al Jolson & Billy Rose
The Torch (1928) Harry Herschel
They Go Wild Simply Wild Over Me (1927) Fred Fisher & Joe McCarthy
This Train Don’t Carry No Gamblers
Throw Another Log On The Fire
Tishomingo Blues (1917) Clarence Williams
Too Busy (1928) Chester Cohn & Ned Miller
Trouble In Mind (1926) Richard M. Jones
Two Buck Tim From Timbuktu (1933) Al Goodhart, Al Hoffman & Ed Heyman
Ukulele Lady (1925) Gus Kahn * Richard Whiting
When Erastus Plays His Old Kazoo (1927) Sam Coslow & Sammy Fain
When I Leave The World Behind (1915) Irving Berlin
When I See All The Lovin’ (1920) Art Johnston, Sam Ward & Hopwood DeRob
When I Grow Too Old To Dream (1935) Sigmund Romberg & Oscar Hammerstein
When Ragtime Rosie Ragged The Rosary (1911) Edgar Leslie
When You nd I Were Young Maggie Blues (1922) Jack Frost & Jimmy McHugh
Where Did Robinson Crusoe Go (1916) Geo. Meyer, Sam Lewis & Joe Young
Where’m I Gonna Live (1992) Billy Ray & Cindy Cyrus
Who Threw The Whiskey In The Well (1942) Lucky Millinder & Eddie DeLange
Why Don’t We Do This More Often (1941) Allie Wrubel & Charles Newman
Why Don’t You Come Over And Play Croquet (1908) Franklin Ardelle
Work In Progress (2002) Bill Parthe
Yama Yama Ma (1908) Collin Davis & Karl Hoschna
Yes! We Have No Bananas (1923) Frank Silver & Irving Cohn
You Can Depend On Me (1932) Chas. Carpenter, Lou Dunlap & Earl Hines
You Rascal You (1931) Sam Theard
You’re A Heavenly Thing (1935) Joe Young & Jack Little
You’re Some Ugly Chile (1917) Clarence Williams
Your Feet’s Two Big (1935) Ada Benson & Fred Fisher