Chicago Red Garter 1964-1965
In April, 1964, a Red Garter banjo club was opened in Chicago by Chuck
Hillstrom, a veteran of the original Red Garter in San Francisco. The club was in
a prime location less than two blocks from Chicago Avenue and N. Michigan.
Chuck was the owner of the club and a plectrum banjo player. Also imported
from San Francisco as the lead player was Dave Marty, a world class plectrum
banjo player.
I was the only Chicago banjo player selected to be in the original band. It was a
great learning experience for me.
Later, in 1965, I was invited play at the Red Garter pavilion at the New York
World's Fair. I had to decline. I was deeply involved in my Ph.D. program at the
University of Pittsburgh as well as being deeply involved in a love affair with a
lovely woman with whom I have been married since 1966.